Ostrander GP Farms started back in the mid-80's with the purchase of three tractors, a 1936 A, a 1936 BN, and a 1929 GP Standard. From there we broadened our collection including D's, H's, G's, M's, MT's, plows, discs, and obviously, more GP's. A decision was reached to narrow the scope of our collection and try to know as much about one model as possible. Being an engineer by trade, Paul chose the GP given the incredible number of changes that transpired over its brief history. Today, we have a reduced collection of some very unique and rare pieces as well as some common pieces with deep attachments. We have expanded our reproduction parts with the philosophy that our goal is to replace parts that wore out with normal use or parts that add to the tractor without significantly affecting its value. I no longer am hosting the GP Rallys now that Paul and Marilyn have passed. The Rallys continue however and I hope you will support them going forward as you did when they were held in Columbia City, Indiana. We will be traveling to more shows this year as time and resources permit. Please stop us and share your stories and photos and I will try to post as many as I can.
Mike Ostrander